Last evening was the best of times and the worst of times.  I attended an event at the Calgary Stampede celebrating the opening of the new Agrium Western Event Centre.  This has been in the works for many years, and all of us who display our horses at the Stampede have looked forward to it.

I saw people that I am very fond of, in an environment I am happy in.  However, for the first time in twenty years, neither me nor my horses will be there to celebrate “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth” in the manner we have.  As no one has stepped forward to replace me and my crew of people and horses in the Peruvian booth there, it is possible that we will not be invited to participate in future years.  As I looked around at the wonderful new building, it began to sink in that this highlight of my year every year will look very different this year, and perhaps for future years as well.  It is possible that I will never get an opportunity to ride in this beautiful new building.

It’s beginning to sink in just how much my world may change as I undergo treatment, at least temporarily.  So far, the biggest change has been in my diet.  I have several meals a day of green juice.   I need to rest more often, but I feel reasonably good over all.

Most of the time, I feel incredibly optimistic that this is merely an unplanned detour and I’ll soon be back on the highways of life on my motorcycle.  For now, though, a trip across the field in my dually seems to be the path I’m on. I am exceedingly grateful for the friends with bigger trucks that keep coming in and pulling me out when I get stuck in the mud.