Jocelyn Hastie is an accomplished speaker with a passion for assisting professionals to achieve success through applying leadership and communication skills. Mastering these is the quickest route to a more fulfilling professional (and personal) life.

Her perspective spans from the trenches to the board room. From accounts payable clerk just out of high school, to supervisor at the age of 22 and accounting manager before 30, she learned first-hand from a myriad of mistakes made over 30+ years of supervisory and management experience. Jocelyn leads by example from both corporate settings and community organizations – demonstrating an ongoing commitment to personal development, encouraging honest feedback, and setting clear personal boundaries.

She delivers practical, real-world leadership tips from her experiences in downtown and field locations on cross-functional teams. Her current role as Toastmasters International District 42 Director further hones her interpersonal skills as she leads a team of 40 to support the 130 clubs and 2,300 members of the District.  She has also competed successfully in the International Speech contest at Toastmasters.

Jocelyn is a lifelong learner. Her Aunt, Roberta Cava, recently authorized her to deliver the business and communication programs she developed and delivered to over 55,000 participants. Watch for these programs in the fall of 2019.