These speeches can be tailored anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour, depending on your requirements.
Click here for a short video of my fundraising presentation for Wellspring Calgary. This campaign raised $1 million towards a capital fundraising campaign.
Unexpected Blessings
This is the Toastmasters International speech that launched Jocelyn as a speaker. Her first competition speech won club, area, and division competitions and placed third at District (over 120 clubs participating). Here is a four minute version of the speech accompanied by pictures.
From Trauma to Triumph
“I lived most of my life believing that being vulnerable made me appear weak or needy and repelled others. My recent experience with cancer showed me that people did run when they saw my vulnerability, but they ran towards me instead of away from me.”
The Legend of the Latin Lover
What is the secret to living life in a more positive manner? Listen to the secrets shared with me by a Peruvian man who “stands 6’3”, incredibly handsome, with impeccable manners and an irresistable Spanish accent”…
Our department approached Jocelyn Hastie to have her present at our staff education session. As AHS employees we are always interested in understanding the patient’s experience and often do not have access to the unique perspective they can provide.
We found the presentation to be a personal and moving experience that kept us engaged from start to finish. Jocelyn is a talented speaker who motivates the audience with authenticity and bravery. I would recommend this presentation to healthcare workers, patients and the public as it had something for everyone. In particular, those who have experienced serious medical challenges and those who have cared for a loved one faced with significant illness may be inspired by Jocelyn’s story.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! for joining us this week and sharing your story both through video and in person. You did a brilliant job! Your voice is so important to their decision and your willingness to generously share your personal story and your thoughts about Wellspring Calgary were the most important part of the presentation in my mind.
Please accept our deepest thanks for all this! You are amazing!
Cutting the Crush of Criticism
Do you ever feel crushed by the comments others make to or about you? Do you ever unintentionally offend someone when offering suggestions?
Learn how to practice candor with kindness, balancing honesty and empathy.
- Remove the sting and glean the value of feedback given to you by others.
- Deliver helpful suggestions rather than hurtful criticism.
This program teaches to give and receive feedback in a way that will make it more palatable and help you tactfully give and graciously receive the gift of another person’s perspective.
The ability to present information to your employer and co-workers is a critical skill. Originally prepared for CPA (Chartered Professional Accountants Association) of Alberta, this program gives you the basics in preparing a presentation that will engage your audience.
The ABCs of Delegation
There is no better way to engage employees and improve productivity by using a systematic approach to delegation. Originally created for the National Energy Board’s Community of Practice, this program uncovers the reasons we hesitate to delegate even though we know it would benefit both us and our co-workers. Then, we learn how to choose what tasks and projects to delegate, and to whom.
Drawing and Defending Personal Boundaries
This program helps teach us a simple and effective way to:
- discover where our boundaries are,
- verbalize them,
- and defend them when they are breached.
Wellspring’s 2016 Gratitude Report featured Jocelyn’s story

Jocelyn’s Bio
I am fiercely committed to guiding people who have been affected by traumatic injury or illness: their own; that of their loved ones; or clients/patients. My mission and commitment is to help you to reframe your challenges as opportunities to learn and make the changes to walk into your authenticity and vulnerability and live a more peaceful life.
I began speaking professionally in 2015, following radiation and chemotherapy treatment in 2014 following the diagnosis of Stage 4a cancer of the tongue in 2014. I was determined to learn from this experience and make the changes necessary in my life so that this was a “one time only” journey. In my belief that critical illness is exacerbated by stress, I wanted to share my story to help others learn from my experience and make changes to keep themselves out of the oncology department. I joined Toastmasters less than two years ago to learn how to make my message more engaging to assist me in this quest. Contact me to hear about my perspective as a graduate of “the school of cancer, class of 2014”. I’ll be your guide and companion as we challenge ourselves to:
- understand when independence becomes a curse rather than a blessing,
- invite and accept support from our loved ones,
- become your own best advocate
- drawing and defending personal boundaries
- give ourselves the gift of knowing what to say or do to give your support to those that you love and/or serve,
- reframe painful experiences as a lessons to learn.
I speak on the following topics:
- Success through surrender – how I switched my focus from battling cancer to healing it.
- Becoming your own best advocate – taking charge of your health and healing by becoming the manger of “Project Health”.
- Learning from the masters – horses live in the moment and are always authentic. When teachers are this big, I listen.
- Facing fear – how facing my fear of real and steel horses prepared me to walk through facing mortality during cancer diagnosis and treatment.
- Drawing and defending personal boundaries – learning self-care by determining what is and isn’t ok for us.
With thirty plus years of business experience and my journey through cancer, I have a unique perspective on facing my mortality and learning to get out of my own way and accept the love and support from my network of family and friends.